Capturing the essence of fall with its colors of Dark Walnut and Autumn Orange, this Bench Litter Box was the perfect way to start off this September. We fell in love with the Bench Litter Box, as well as its new kitty owner Brazil Nut! It is sitting its its new home in the Bronx, NY.
Now those of you how have been reading my blogs and looking at our Instagram posts will notice that this new Bench Litter Box looks like the Carolina blue & worn navy bench design. It is! Our client specifically ordered this piece to match our other product. The first litter box we, treasure seekers as I like to call us, found came from the trash. It was being thrown out from it being slightly broken. Richard restored it, sanding it down to the clean wood, stained it and polyurethaned it, allowing it to be used for years to come. The latest Bench Litter Box however, had to be constructed completely from scratch. We used all reclaimed wood, which came from a desk that was being thrown out. You never know what you can turn something into unless you try!
The first stage of building this Bench Litter Box was to construct the front, back and the side walls so that the main structure was set. Even though the process may sound like the steps are simple there are many small details that take tedious time and effort. For example even something as simple as making sure all the grains of the wood match and compliment each other. The side wall curve was completed in a multi-step process. We drew the curve onto the wood before cutting it with a plunge router. Once we had the curve cut, we had to hand sand the curve and also round the edges from the cut line. This allows the curve to feel softer to touch and provides a more pleasing curve line.
The dowels came from a few different sources ranging from a baby crib to a wooden toy bassinet, Richard cut them to size, sanded them entirely, and created the matching holes in the top and bottom rail for them to line up. With the walls and railing up and set for the box, the next step was to install the floor, which came from a cabinet. We screwed the floor into the bottom of the box and then we used finishing nails to attach a beautiful trim piece surrounding the edge. This created some extra movement in the lines of the box that matched the curve we made in the side wall.
Cutting the cat silhouette always puts a special touch to the box, it gives it so much character. Each cat is going to be different then the next, even just with the size dimensions and how the actual cut comes out. After the cat is cut we hand sand the entire outline and round the edges, just like we did on the bench side walls. This makes sure there are no rough patches of wood or any stray sharp pieces that will hurt the cat. It gives them a smooth, soft touch whenever they go in and out!
This Bench Litter Box is the biggest litter box to date that we have made. Instead of the original two roomed litter box, which is the litter box room itself and the separated storage compartment, this newly updated Bench Litter Box, at the clients request, has a third room which is a foyer for the cat to walk through as the first room of the box. In this room the floor mat is a welcome mat, welcoming brazil nut into her potty oasis. We then cut a circle entrance into the main room, which of course is the litter box room. This litter box room is big enough to hold a roofed litter box, has rubber on the walls for wipe-ability just incase the cat decided to spray on the wall, and has a trapping litter mat under the box for added litter security. This is a huge helper to prevent litter from sticking to their feet and traveling through your home, especially when they sleep in your bed!
Coming up to the last few stages to this Bench Litter Box was super exciting. We could not wait to see the box as a whole. We stained the entire box dark walnut, giving it two coats for richness in color. To protect the wood and preserve the stain further we then applied a triple layer polyurethane. After the wood was fully dried we attached the lid using silver hinges. The final steps from there were attaching the rubber on the wall, applying the mats for the floor, attaching the flap to the front entrance and screwing in hooks for the scooper in the storage compartment. The cherry on top of the cake is the hanging sign in the front which is our signature, that reads “you had me at meow."
This Bench Litter Box was a such a fun build and we got to deliver it ourselves to the client. We always love meeting our clients and getting to see the reaction on their face the first time they see the product in person. Bringing happiness and smiles to our clients faces is worth everything. New items, challenge us to push further in our creativity even if it is to revamp a product or style we have done in the past. We deliver to all of Long Island, New York and to the Tri-State area. If have pets, need furniture for the house, or want a special gift for the holiday season?!
Message us via our email:
We would love to work with you!!
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